Pretvorite foto slajdove u digitalne: Sačuvajte svoje dragocjene uspomene
Don't let your precious photo slides fade into obscurity! EachMoment offers a professional slide to digital conversion service, safeguarding your irreplaceable memories for generations to come. Starting with just a £10 deposit for your complimentary, secure Memory Box, we make preserving your family history simple and safe. We utilise advanced scanning technology, include free cloud storage, and ensure the utmost care for your original slides. Rediscover and share your digitised slides on USB, DVD, or your private Cloud Album.
- Complimentary slide cleaning & basic image restoration included as standard
- High-resolution slide digitisation using professional-grade scanners
- Free cloud album included for effortless sharing and convenient access
- Trusted across the UK for secure and high-quality slide conversion services
- Over 600+ 5-star customer reviews
Order before midday for Memory Box next-day delivery. Free secure 3-way courier & Memory Box for orders over £50.00
Memories we've restored & preserved
3 jednostavna koraka za očuvanje vaših dragocjenih uspomena

1. Naručite svoju besplatnu kutiju za uspomene – Započnite s pologom od £10
Begin the journey of preserving your cherished photo slide memories by ordering your free, robust Memory Box today. A small £10 deposit is all you need to take the first step. Order before 12 pm, and we'll dispatch your Memory Box for next-day delivery, ready for you to safely pack your slides. There's no need to pre-clean your slides; our expert team will take care of professional cleaning. Once your Memory Box is full, simply arrange a free, secure courier collection through our user-friendly online system.

2. Stručni proces digitalizacije slajdova i poboljšanja slike
Upon arrival at our specialist UK digitisation lab, your photo slides are handled with the utmost precision and care. Each slide undergoes a detailed process of professional cleaning, restoration, and high-resolution scanning using state-of-the-art equipment. Our skilled technicians meticulously convert your slides to digital formats, optimising each image for clarity and colour accuracy. From initial dust removal to basic colour correction, these essential services are included at no extra charge, ensuring the highest quality digital representation of your treasured slide collection.

3. Pristupite, Oživite i Podijelite Svoja Digitalizirana Sjećanja na Dijapozitivima
Rediscover the joy of your photo slide memories, now vibrant and accessible in digital format. We return your original slides along with your newly digitised images in your chosen format – convenient USB drive, classic DVD, or easily accessible cloud storage. Effortlessly share your precious moments with family and friends, near and far, across generations, knowing your memories are securely preserved for the future. Enjoy simple viewing on modern devices such as Smart TVs, computers, tablets, and smartphones.

1. Naručite svoju besplatnu kutiju za uspomene – Započnite s pologom od £10
Begin the journey of preserving your cherished photo slide memories by ordering your free, robust Memory Box today. A small £10 deposit is all you need to take the first step. Order before 12 pm, and we'll dispatch your Memory Box for next-day delivery, ready for you to safely pack your slides. There's no need to pre-clean your slides; our expert team will take care of professional cleaning. Once your Memory Box is full, simply arrange a free, secure courier collection through our user-friendly online system.

2. Stručni proces digitalizacije slajdova i poboljšanja slike
Upon arrival at our specialist UK digitisation lab, your photo slides are handled with the utmost precision and care. Each slide undergoes a detailed process of professional cleaning, restoration, and high-resolution scanning using state-of-the-art equipment. Our skilled technicians meticulously convert your slides to digital formats, optimising each image for clarity and colour accuracy. From initial dust removal to basic colour correction, these essential services are included at no extra charge, ensuring the highest quality digital representation of your treasured slide collection.

3. Pristupite, Oživite i Podijelite Svoja Digitalizirana Sjećanja na Dijapozitivima
Rediscover the joy of your photo slide memories, now vibrant and accessible in digital format. We return your original slides along with your newly digitised images in your chosen format – convenient USB drive, classic DVD, or easily accessible cloud storage. Effortlessly share your precious moments with family and friends, near and far, across generations, knowing your memories are securely preserved for the future. Enjoy simple viewing on modern devices such as Smart TVs, computers, tablets, and smartphones.

4.7/ 5
Davno izgubljena blaga
EachMoment nije samo 'otključao' uspomene s trake, već je također očistio zvuk i sliku, pojačao glasnoću i sada je brzina reprodukcije ispravna. Kao da se vraćate u prošlost, naši dragi preminuli roditelji i ostali rođaci – tada tako mladi – svaki je imao priliku govoriti i pjevati pred kamerom. To šalje tople trnce niz leđa! Ne mogu to dovoljno preporučiti. EachMoment nije samo 'otključao' uspomene s trake, već je također očistio zvuk i sliku, pojačao glasnoću i sada je brzina reprodukcije ispravna. Kao da se vraćate u prošlost, naši dragi... EachMoment nije samo 'otključao' uspomene s trake, već je također očistio zvuk i sliku, pojačao glasnoću i sada je brzina reprodukcije ispravna. Kao da se vraćate u prošlost, naši dragi preminuli roditelji i ostali rođaci – tada tako mladi – svaki je imao priliku govoriti i pjevati pred kamerom. To šalje tople trnce niz leđa! Ne mogu to dovoljno preporučiti.
Catherine, prije 6 sati
Nakon pokušaja prisjećanja izgubljenih voljenih
Nakon pokušaja da se prisjetimo izgubljenih glasova dragih nam osoba, pronašli smo stare video trake i nakon pretraživanja interneta za tvrtkom koja bi ih digitalizirala, naišli smo na each moment. Uspjeli su ih očistiti, obnoviti i staviti sve na USB stick, pa ih sada možemo zauvijek gledati! Uživao sam gledajući ih, apsolutno fantastično, pa bih ovu tvrtku toplo preporučio. Nakon pokušaja da se prisjetimo izgubljenih glasova dragih nam osoba, pronašli smo stare video trake i nakon pretraživanja interneta za tvrtkom koja bi ih digitalizirala, naišli smo na each moment.... Nakon pokušaja da se prisjetimo izgubljenih glasova dragih nam osoba, pronašli smo stare video trake i nakon pretraživanja interneta za tvrtkom koja bi ih digitalizirala, naišli smo na each moment. Uspjeli su ih očistiti, obnoviti i staviti sve na USB stick, pa ih sada možemo zauvijek gledati! Uživao sam gledajući ih, apsolutno fantastično, pa bih ovu tvrtku toplo preporučio.
Kelly M, prije 22 sata
Sinoć sam čuo bakinu…
Prošle noći čuo sam glas svoje bake kako po prvi put u više od 30 godina čita božićnu pjesmu. Preminula je 1990. godine, a nakon njezine smrti pronašao sam kasetu, izobličenu u magnetofonskom uređaju. Zadržao sam je, nadajući se da ću jednog dana pronaći način da je restauriram. EachMoment je restaurirao tu kasetu, a ove godine, na dan njezinog rođendana, njeni praunuci će po prvi put čuti njezin glas, a njezina djeca, sada i sama djedovi i bake, ponovno će čuti glas njihove majke. Ne postoji riječ koja može dovoljno izraziti moju zahvalnost. Prošle noći čuo sam glas svoje bake kako po prvi put u više od 30 godina čita božićnu pjesmu. Preminula je 1990. godine, a nakon njezine smrti pronašao sam kasetu,... Prošle noći čuo sam glas svoje bake kako po prvi put u više od 30 godina čita božićnu pjesmu. Preminula je 1990. godine, a nakon njezine smrti pronašao sam kasetu, izobličenu u magnetofonskom uređaju. Zadržao sam je, nadajući se da ću jednog dana pronaći način da je restauriram. EachMoment je restaurirao tu kasetu, a ove godine, na dan njezinog rođendana, njeni praunuci će po prvi put čuti njezin glas, a njezina djeca, sada i sama djedovi i bake, ponovno će čuti glas njihove majke. Ne postoji riječ koja može dovoljno izraziti moju zahvalnost.
Laura P, jučer
EachMoment je spasio 30 analognih Hi8…
EachMoment je spasio 30 Hi8 analognih kaseta s videokazetama. 45 sati obiteljskih uspomena. Nisam ih mogao reproducirati na svom kamcorderu i mislio sam da sam ih zauvijek izgubio. Neke od tih kazeta su stare preko 30 godina. Tehničko odjeljenje uspjelo je izvaditi, obnoviti i digitalizirati gotovo sve! Sada su sve te uspomene dostupne cijeloj obitelji za dijeljenje na WhatsAppu i strujanje na našem TV-u kad god se skupe! Volim to. EachMoment je spasio 30 Hi8 analognih kaseta s videokazetama. 45 sati obiteljskih uspomena. Nisam ih mogao reproducirati na svom kamcorderu i mislio sam da sam ih zauvijek izgubio. Neke od... EachMoment je spasio 30 Hi8 analognih kaseta s videokazetama. 45 sati obiteljskih uspomena. Nisam ih mogao reproducirati na svom kamcorderu i mislio sam da sam ih zauvijek izgubio. Neke od tih kazeta su stare preko 30 godina. Tehničko odjeljenje uspjelo je izvaditi, obnoviti i digitalizirati gotovo sve! Sada su sve te uspomene dostupne cijeloj obitelji za dijeljenje na WhatsAppu i strujanje na našem TV-u kad god se skupe! Volim to.
Kevin N, jučer
Nekada dragocene uspomene
Stvari koje smo poslali da se konvertiraju s VHS kaseta u DVD, s audio kasetnih kaseta u CD te negativi i prozirnici u memory stick, izvršno su obavljene. Svatko tko je vidio i čuo gotove artikle bio je vrlo impresioniran. Izvrsna vrijednost za novac i preporučeno je nekoliko puta. Stvari koje smo poslali da se konvertiraju s VHS kaseta u DVD, s audio kasetnih kaseta u CD te negativi i prozirnici u memory stick, izvršno su obavljene. Svatko tko... Stvari koje smo poslali da se konvertiraju s VHS kaseta u DVD, s audio kasetnih kaseta u CD te negativi i prozirnici u memory stick, izvršno su obavljene. Svatko tko je vidio i čuo gotove artikle bio je vrlo impresioniran. Izvrsna vrijednost za novac i preporučeno je nekoliko puta.
Theresa, prije 2 dana
Izvrsna usluga
Vrlo je jednostavno naručiti jer je sve organizirano od strane EachMoment. Naručio sam digitalizaciju velike količine starog Super 8 filmskog materijala, Video 8 traka, VHS traka i fotografskih negativaka. Proces je trajao oko 3 tjedna zbog količine, ali čekanje je definitivno bilo vrijedno. Bio sam apsolutno oduševljen rezultatima i osjećam se ponovno povezan s mojom prošlošću i ljudima koji su bili dio mog života još od ranih 1950-ih. Nevjerojatno! Vrlo je jednostavno naručiti jer je sve organizirano od strane EachMoment. Naručio sam digitalizaciju velike količine starog Super 8 filmskog materijala, Video 8 traka, VHS traka i fotografskih negativaka. Proces... Vrlo je jednostavno naručiti jer je sve organizirano od strane EachMoment. Naručio sam digitalizaciju velike količine starog Super 8 filmskog materijala, Video 8 traka, VHS traka i fotografskih negativaka. Proces je trajao oko 3 tjedna zbog količine, ali čekanje je definitivno bilo vrijedno. Bio sam apsolutno oduševljen rezultatima i osjećam se ponovno povezan s mojom prošlošću i ljudima koji su bili dio mog života još od ranih 1950-ih. Nevjerojatno!
Mauro S H, prije 2 dana
Poslao sam veliki broj starih diapozitiva i video kaseta na digitalizaciju, od kojih su neki bili u vrlo lošem stanju. Each Moment je obavio fantastičan posao pretvaranja slika u digitalni format za mene. Profesionalna usluga, ljubazno i susretljivo osoblje. Koristit ću ih ponovno i preporučio bih. Poslao sam veliki broj starih diapozitiva i video kaseta na digitalizaciju, od kojih su neki bili u vrlo lošem stanju. Each Moment je obavio fantastičan posao pretvaranja slika u digitalni... Poslao sam veliki broj starih diapozitiva i video kaseta na digitalizaciju, od kojih su neki bili u vrlo lošem stanju. Each Moment je obavio fantastičan posao pretvaranja slika u digitalni format za mene. Profesionalna usluga, ljubazno i susretljivo osoblje. Koristit ću ih ponovno i preporučio bih.
Marcus H, prije 3 dana
Predivna usluga i prekrasni rezultati
Kupio sam mješovitu kutiju starih traka i kaseta, neke u lošem stanju, a tim u Each Moment je pokazao svoju čaroliju. Sada imam mnogo lijepih uspomena koje bi inače bile izgubljene. Oni su sjajna tvrtka, profesionalni i učinkoviti i ne bih oklijevao preporučiti ih niti potaknuti druge da spase uspomene prije nego što se izgube! Kupio sam mješovitu kutiju starih traka i kaseta, neke u lošem stanju, a tim u Each Moment je pokazao svoju čaroliju. Sada imam mnogo lijepih uspomena koje bi inače bile... Kupio sam mješovitu kutiju starih traka i kaseta, neke u lošem stanju, a tim u Each Moment je pokazao svoju čaroliju. Sada imam mnogo lijepih uspomena koje bi inače bile izgubljene. Oni su sjajna tvrtka, profesionalni i učinkoviti i ne bih oklijevao preporučiti ih niti potaknuti druge da spase uspomene prije nego što se izgube!
Amanda, prije 3 dana
Mnogo snimaka s videokamere prenijelo se brzo.
Trebalo je prenijeti mnogo snimljenog materijala s videocam kaseta kao iznenađenje za 70. rođendan s relativno kratkim rokom. Tim je bio vrlo od pomoći kad im se obratilo i uspio mi je omogućiti online pristup 39 kaseta prije nego što sam dobio USB-ove, tako da sam mogao odabrati specifične videozapise za zabavu. Jedna kaseta je također vraćena i vrlo brzo očišćena kad se utvrdilo da ima smetnje u praćenju. Sada imamo neke sjajne uspomene koje možemo podijeliti s obitelji i našim unucima. Trebalo je prenijeti mnogo snimljenog materijala s videocam kaseta kao iznenađenje za 70. rođendan s relativno kratkim rokom. Tim je bio vrlo od pomoći kad im se obratilo i uspio... Trebalo je prenijeti mnogo snimljenog materijala s videocam kaseta kao iznenađenje za 70. rođendan s relativno kratkim rokom. Tim je bio vrlo od pomoći kad im se obratilo i uspio mi je omogućiti online pristup 39 kaseta prije nego što sam dobio USB-ove, tako da sam mogao odabrati specifične videozapise za zabavu. Jedna kaseta je također vraćena i vrlo brzo očišćena kad se utvrdilo da ima smetnje u praćenju. Sada imamo neke sjajne uspomene koje možemo podijeliti s obitelji i našim unucima.
Mark F, prije 3 dana
Spremni za digitalizaciju svojih foto slajdova?
Don't risk losing your irreplaceable photo slide memories to age and deterioration. Our professional slide to digital conversion service provides a straightforward, secure, and premium solution to safeguard your precious moments. Order your free Memory Box today for just a £10 deposit and take the first step towards preserving your visual history for years to come.
Order your protective Memory Box before midday, and we guarantee same-day dispatch for next working day delivery, enabling you to quickly and securely send us your photo slides.

Help us to help you keep your digital memories organised! Provide us with slide details or any reference system you use, and we will create custom file names for your digital images, making it easy to locate and share specific events or photos with loved ones.

Your Memory Box includes a pre-paid return shipping label and protective packaging, ensuring the safe and fully tracked transit of your original photo slides and your new digital media back to your doorstep via our reliable courier partner.

Stay informed at every stage with our real-time online order tracking system. Monitor your Memory Box's journey from collection, throughout the digitisation process in our lab, to its secure return delivery to you.

We go beyond simple transfer. Our service includes professional cleaning and basic restoration of your photo slides, enhancing image quality using advanced equipment for optimal digital results, all at no additional cost to you.

We are confident you will be delighted with your newly digitised photo slides. We guarantee the quality of our service and offer a full refund if you are not completely satisfied. Your peace of mind and treasured memories are our highest priority.
Free Secure Collection & Return | Professional Slide Restoration | Free Custom File Naming | Free Cloud Storage
“Kvaliteta videozapisa i zvuka bila je nevjerojatna. Preporučila bih EachMoment svima 100%!” — Abby

Zašto je zaštitna kutija za memoriju ključna za vaše foto slajdove
Our Memory Box is more than just packaging; it's the safest passage for your photo slides to digital preservation. Specifically designed to protect delicate media, this robust, crush-resistant box ensures your slides arrive at our lab in optimal condition. Order before midday, and your Memory Box, complete with an easy-to-follow Welcome Guide, will be delivered the next working day. Simply pack your photo slides – regardless of their current state – and entrust our specialists to revitalise them. We have invested significantly in perfecting the secure handling of fragile media, partnering with the same trusted couriers used for transporting sensitive official documents. Our proven track record speaks for itself: zero slides lost or damaged in transit, ever. Your family's irreplaceable memories deserve nothing less than this dedicated level of protection, from initial collection to expert digitisation and safe return.
Vaše dragocjene uspomene sa slajdova, sigurno sačuvane za generacije
- Professional digitisation halts the natural deterioration of photo slides, preventing further loss of image quality and colour vibrancy.
- Digital conversion future-proofs your memories, ensuring ongoing compatibility with modern technology for generations to come.
- We utilise a high-security courier service, the same service trusted for transporting university examination papers and passports, providing ultimate peace of mind.
- Our experienced in-house team employs a meticulous tracking system, carefully monitoring each individual slide throughout the entire digitisation process.
- Easily track your photo slides' journey from your doorstep to our specialist lab via your smartphone, computer, or by contacting our dedicated phone support.
- Your valuable photo slides are transported in our robust, crush-resistant Memory Box, custom-engineered for maximum protection against physical damage.
Digitalizacija slajdova u emiterskoj kvaliteti i profesionalna restauracija
With extensive experience in professional media conversion, EachMoment delivers industry-leading slide digitisation services. Our dedicated, UK-based lab is equipped with regularly serviced, professional-quality slide scanners and commercial-grade image processing equipment, ensuring the highest standard of digital transfer for your slides and precious photographic memories.
Each photo slide undergoes a comprehensive physical cleaning and restoration process before digitisation commences. By meticulously removing dust, debris, and surface contaminants, we enhance the integrity of the slide and optimise image clarity, a vital step often overlooked by other services, which can compromise the final digital quality. We invest the extra time and meticulous care to ensure your memories are preserved at their absolute best possible quality.
Professional cleaning and basic restoration are included as standard with every slide to digital conversion order.
Često postavljana pitanja o uslugama pretvorbe slajdova u digitalni format
Možete li opisati cjelokupni proces digitalne konverzije slajdova u EachMomentu?
A: Preserving your photo slides with EachMoment is a straightforward, secure, and efficient process:
1. Order & Receive Your Memory Box: Use our easy online quote tool, select 'Slides', and pay just a £10 deposit to get started. Your free, reinforced Memory Box is promptly dispatched for next-day delivery.
2. Pack Your Photo Slides Securely: Carefully pack your slides into the Memory Box, utilising the protective materials provided. No need to pre-clean your slides; our experts will handle that!
3. Arrange Secure Courier Collection: Schedule a free, secure courier collection easily via our online portal. Your Memory Box is then safely transported to our specialist UK lab.
4. Slide Assessment & Invoice (or Refund): Upon arrival at our lab, our expert technicians carefully assess your slides and issue a clear online invoice for any adjustments or a refund if applicable.
5. Professional Restoration & Digitisation: Following secure payment, your photo slides undergo professional cleaning, restoration, and high-resolution scanning using advanced equipment and techniques.
6. Rigorous Quality Control & Digital Preparation: Your newly digitised images undergo stringent quality checks and are meticulously prepared for your chosen output format (Cloud Album, USB drive, or DVD).
7. Secure Return of Originals & Digital Copies: Your original photo slides and your digital copies are securely returned to you via our trusted courier service.
8. Relive & Share Your Treasured Memories: Enjoy and easily share your revitalised memories on any digital device! Order before 12 pm for next-day Memory Box delivery. Free Memory Box + free 3-way secure courier for orders over £50.00.
Koje vrste foto slajdova su kompatibilne s vašom uslugom digitalizacije?
A: We expertly digitise virtually all types of photo slides, including:
35mm Slides: The most common type, in 2x2 inch mounts.
* 126 Slides: Also known as Instamatic slides.
* 127 Slides: Including standard 127 and 127 'Super Slides'.
* 110 Slides: Including standard 110 and 110 'Pocket Slides'.
* 35mm Half-Frame Slides: Less common, but fully compatible.
If you are unsure of the specific type of slides you possess, there's no need to worry! Simply send them to us securely packaged in our Memory Box, and our experienced specialists will accurately identify each format upon arrival at our lab. We are equipped to handle slides in various mount types (card, plastic, glass) and conditions, including those that are aged, scratched, or showing signs of minor deterioration.
Što trebam učiniti ako otkrijem da imam više foto slajdova nego što sam prvotno procijenio prilikom narudžbe?
A: It's quite common to find more slides than initially counted! Our process is designed to be flexible and accommodate this:
1. Provide an Initial Estimate & Start: Use our user-friendly online quote tool to provide your best estimate of your slide count and pay the £10 deposit to receive your free Memory Box.
2. Pack All Your Photo Slides: When your Memory Box arrives, simply pack all of your slides, even if the quantity exceeds your initial estimate.
3. Precise Assessment at Our Specialist Lab: Our expert technicians will accurately count and thoroughly assess all slides upon secure arrival at our dedicated lab.
4. Transparent Invoice or Refund Process: We will then send you a clear online invoice for any additional slides digitised or issue a refund if applicable. You only pay for the final, accurately counted number of slides after we have safely received and professionally assessed them. This ensures you can send all your slides without needing to overestimate upfront and only pay for the precise number of slides we successfully convert for you.
Kako ću primiti svoje novo digitalizirane slike foto slajdova nakon konverzije?
A: We offer several convenient and versatile options for receiving your digitised slide images, ensuring they are accessible in your preferred format:
1. Complimentary Cloud Album (Included with Every Order):
* Enjoy instant online access to your digitised slides via a secure Cloud Album.
* Effortlessly share your memories with family and friends around the world.
* View your images on any device – including smartphones, tablets, computers, and Smart TVs.
* Benefit from secure cloud backup of your precious memories, protecting them against data loss.
2. Premium Crystal USB Drive (Popular Choice):
* Receive your digitised slides on an elegant crystal USB drive, presented in a beautiful gift box.
* This option is ideal for gifting your memories to loved ones or for special occasions.
* Provides high-quality digital files compatible with all modern playback devices.
3. Robust Classic USB Drive (Durable Backup Option):
* Choose a durable steel USB drive for a robust and long-lasting physical backup of your memories.
* Offers reliable long-term storage for your valuable digital image files.
4. Traditional DVD Set (Classic Playback Format):
* Opt for a DVD set for playback on any standard DVD player, offering compatibility with older TVs and systems.
* A familiar and user-friendly format, especially for those less comfortable with newer technology.
* DVDs will contain your images as a digital slideshow, easily viewable on DVD players and computers.
Many of our customers choose a combination of these options, such as utilising the Cloud Album for immediate sharing and selecting a Premium USB drive for secure safekeeping and thoughtful gifting.
Koji sigurnosni protokoli su uspostavljeni kako bi zaštitili moje nezamjenjive foto slajdove tijekom procesa digitalizacije?
A: The safety and security of your photo slides are our utmost priority. We have implemented a robust, multi-layered security system to ensure their complete protection:
1. Secure Memory Box Transport System:
* Our proprietary Memory Box is engineered to be crush-proof, providing maximum protection for your slides against physical damage during transit.
* We are proud to maintain a perfect record of zero slides damaged in transit since implementing our Memory Box system.
2. Premium, Tracked Courier Service:
* We partner with a premium division of a national courier service, renowned for handling highly sensitive materials, including examination papers and passports.
* Benefit from real-time tracking of your Memory Box from collection at your doorstep to secure return delivery.
* We have an impeccable history of zero lost items since the inception of our secure courier service.
3. State-of-the-Art Lab Security & Handling Protocols:
* Upon arrival at our specialist lab, each photo slide is assigned a unique QR code for meticulous tracking throughout the digitisation process.
* Our lab facility is under 24/7 monitoring and is climate-controlled to ensure optimal storage conditions for your slides.
* All slides are handled exclusively by our professionally trained technicians, adhering to strict security protocols.
* We conduct regular maintenance and calibration of our digitisation equipment to guarantee the safe handling of your delicate media.
We are proud to state that we have never lost or damaged a single customer's photo slide. Your cherished memories are in the safest possible hands with EachMoment.
Što ako nisam siguran u specifične slike sadržane na nekim od mojih starijih foto slajdova?
A: It's perfectly understandable if you are unsure about the exact images on all of your older photo slides! Here is our straightforward and customer-friendly approach to this situation:
1. Full Refund for Blank Slides: If, upon assessment at our lab, a slide is found to be completely blank (containing no image), you will automatically receive a full refund for the digitisation cost of that particular slide.
2. We Professionally Digitise All Recoverable Images: If there is any recoverable image present on a slide, we will proceed to professionally digitise it, regardless of:
* The content of the image (even if it's of unknown origin or less significant).
* If there are mixed sets of slides from different events or time periods.
Many of our customers have been delighted to rediscover long-forgotten family moments and precious images that they were not even aware were still preserved on their old photo slides. Our professional restoration process can even reveal details and improve clarity that were not easily visible when originally viewing the slides with a projector!
Možete li obnoviti foto slajdove koji su vidljivo oštećeni, izblijedjeli ili imaju plijesan?
A: Yes, absolutely! We specialise in the professional restoration of aged and damaged photo slides, including those affected by fading and mould. Here is a summary of the types of damage we can typically address:
* Photo slides exhibiting fading or colour shift.
* Slides that are scratched or physically marked.
* Slides that have become dusty or dirty over time.
* Slides contaminated with surface mould spores (in the majority of cases).
* Slides mounted in damaged or warped frames.
Our Comprehensive Restoration Process:
1. Detailed Expert Assessment: Each photo slide is meticulously evaluated by our experienced media specialists to determine the extent and nature of any damage.
2. Professional Cleaning & Restoration Techniques: We utilise professional-grade slide scanners and commercial-grade equipment. Slides undergo physical cleaning to carefully remove dust, surface mould, and contaminants, significantly enhancing image clarity. We also address common issues such as colour fading and minor scratches.
3. Archive-Grade Restoration Technology: We employ specialised, archive-grade cleaning and restoration technologies and solutions to maximise the recovery of your valuable image content.
4. Necessary Physical Repairs: Our technicians perform any necessary physical repairs, such as gently cleaning slide mounts or addressing minor warping to ensure smooth scanning.
5. High-Quality Digitisation & Stringent Quality Checks: Following the restoration process, slides are digitised with meticulous attention to detail, and the resulting digital files undergo rigorous quality control checks to ensure optimal results.
No Additional Restoration Charges: All basic restoration procedures are included within our standard slide to digital conversion pricing. In the rare event that a photo slide is deemed beyond successful recovery (this occurs in less than 1% of cases), you will receive a full refund for that slide. We strongly advise that the sooner you choose to digitise your photo slides, the higher the likelihood of successful preservation and restoration of your precious memories!
Koje je uobičajeno vrijeme obrade za vašu uslugu pretvorbe slajdova u digitalni format?
A: We offer two distinct processing options for slide digitisation to cater to varying customer needs:
1. Standard Processing Service:
* The typical turnaround time for our standard processing service is approximately 3-4 weeks from the date your Memory Box securely arrives at our digitisation lab.
* This timeframe encompasses thorough slide inspection, professional cleaning and restoration, high-quality frame-by-frame scanning, and comprehensive quality control procedures.
* Each individual photo slide receives dedicated attention and meticulous handling throughout the entire process to ensure the highest quality results.
2. Expedited Rush Processing Service (Optional):
* For customers requiring faster turnaround, we offer an optional Rush Processing service, which expedites the completion of your order to within 1-2 weeks.
* Despite the faster processing time, our Rush Processing service maintains the same high standards of restoration and digitisation quality as our standard service.
* Rush Processing is ideally suited for urgent needs, such as upcoming special occasions or time-sensitive projects.
The overall processing time can vary depending on several factors, including:
* The total number of photo slides included in your order.
* The general condition of the slides (slides requiring more extensive restoration work may take slightly longer).
* Our current lab workload and processing queue.
You can find more information on turnaround times and pricing using our online quote tool.
Hoću li moći lako pregledati svoje novo digitalizirane foto slajdove na svom televizoru?
A: Yes! We make it exceptionally easy for you to view your newly digitised photo slides on virtually any television set:
Smart TV Playback Options:
* Direct Cloud Album Streaming: Access and stream your images directly from your complimentary Cloud Album app on compatible Smart TVs for convenient viewing slideshows.
* Simple USB Drive Playback: For maximum ease of use, simply plug in your USB drive (either Premium Crystal or Classic Steel) into your Smart TV's USB port. Then, use your TV's built-in media player to effortlessly browse and view your digitised slides as a slideshow or individually.
Options for Standard (Non-Smart) TVs:
* HDMI Connection via External Device: Connect any HDMI-equipped device, such as a laptop, desktop computer, or dedicated media player, to your standard TV using an HDMI cable. You can then play your digital image files from the connected device, viewing them as a slideshow.
* DVD Playback using DVD Player: If you choose to receive your digitised slides on DVD, simply use your DVD set in any standard DVD player that is connected to your television for familiar and straightforward playback. The DVD will play as a slideshow.
Many families and individuals greatly enjoy gathering together to watch their newly digitised memories on their TVs, reliving those special moments in a comfortable and shared viewing environment. Modern televisions will display your digitised photo slides with significantly enhanced clarity and image quality compared to projecting the original slides!
Možete li detaljno objasniti što vaša usluga '3-smjernog sigurnog kurira' obuhvaća za konverziju slajdova?
A: Our comprehensive '3-way secure courier' service is designed to provide complete peace of mind and maximum convenience throughout your slide digitisation order. It meticulously covers three essential stages of the process:
1. Secure Memory Box Delivery to Your Address: We securely deliver your complimentary, specially engineered Memory Box directly to your home address, ready for you to carefully and safely pack your photo slides at your own pace.
2. Reliable Memory Box Collection from Your Location: Once you have packed your slides, our secure courier service will collect your filled Memory Box directly from your doorstep at a pre-arranged time, ensuring safe and tracked transportation to our specialist digitisation lab.
3. Guaranteed Return Delivery to Your Doorstep: After the digitisation process is complete, we securely return your original photo slides, along with your chosen digital copies (whether on USB drive, DVD set, or access to your Cloud Album), back to your address via the same trusted and tracked courier service.
This all-inclusive, 3-way service guarantees the safe, secure, and fully tracked transportation of your precious memories throughout the entire slide to digital conversion journey, from your home and back again.
Je li vaša oglašena kurirska usluga doista besplatna za korisnike usluge pretvorbe foto slajdova?
A: Yes, absolutely! Our premium 3-way secure courier service is indeed provided completely free of charge to all slide digitisation orders where the total digitisation service spend is £50.00 or greater. For smaller orders with a total digitisation spend below £50.00, a nominal charge of £25 applies to cover the comprehensive 3-way secure courier service. This means that the vast majority of our customers benefit from completely free, secure, and highly convenient collection and return delivery of their valuable photo slides, making the entire process as seamless and cost-effective as possible.
Koji su troškovi povezani s vašom opcionalnom uslugom ubrzane obrade za foto slajdove?
A: Our optional Rush Processing service is available for customers who require their photo slides to be digitised more quickly than our standard processing timeframe. Please use our online quote tool for detailed pricing information regarding Rush Processing fees, as these are structured on a tiered basis related to your total order spend. The quote tool will clearly display Rush Processing options and associated costs when you place your order.
Nudite li popuste za velike ili masovne narudžbe digitalizacije foto slajdova?
A: Yes, we are pleased to offer generous bulk discounts for larger photo slide digitisation orders. We believe in rewarding customers who entrust us with larger collections of memories, and the more slides you choose to convert, the more you will save overall! Please refer to our online quote tool for detailed information on our tiered discount structure, which is automatically applied as you add more photo slides to your order. The quote tool will display discount percentages and total savings as you build your order.
Što točno uključuje besplatna memorijska kutija osigurana za pretvorbu foto slajdova?
A: Our Free Memory Box is thoughtfully designed as your complete, all-in-one solution for safely and securely sending us your photo slides for digitisation. It includes all of the following essential components:
* Robust Crush-Proof Box: A highly durable, reinforced cardboard box specifically engineered to provide maximum protection for your delicate photo slides during transit, minimising any risk of physical damage.
* Comprehensive Welcome Guide: A clear, step-by-step instruction guide is included, providing you with easy-to-follow directions on how to properly pack your photo slides and how to conveniently arrange the free courier collection.
* Pre-Paid Return Shipping Label: A pre-addressed and pre-paid return shipping label is included within the Memory Box, ensuring hassle-free and cost-free return shipping of your original photo slides and your newly digitised media back to you after processing.
* Slide Identification Stickers & 'Name-It Sheet': We provide helpful slide identification stickers and a 'Name-It Sheet' to assist you in organising and labelling your photo slides. This enables us to create personalised digital file names for your images, making it easier for you to locate and share specific memories once digitised.
The Memory Box itself is delivered to you completely free of charge (secured with just a £10 deposit to initiate your order) and is meticulously designed to offer maximum convenience and superior protection for your precious photo slide memories throughout the shipping and digitisation process.
Koje je uobičajeno standardno vrijeme obrade za narudžbe digitalizacije foto slajdova?
A: Our typical standard processing time for photo slide digitisation is generally 3-4 weeks, calculated from the date your Memory Box securely arrives at our dedicated digitisation lab. This carefully considered timeframe allows us to perform a comprehensive range of essential services to the highest standards, including: thorough initial inspection of each slide, professional cleaning and restoration procedures, high-quality digitisation using advanced scanning equipment, stringent multi-stage quality control checks, and secure, tracked return shipping of your original photo slides along with your chosen digital media. We are firmly committed to consistently delivering the highest possible quality results for every customer and take the necessary time and meticulous care to ensure your cherished memories are preserved to the absolute best possible standard.
Mogu li pratiti napredak svoje narudžbe za digitalizaciju foto slajdova nakon što je postavljena?
A: Yes, absolutely! We provide real-time, comprehensive tracking for your photo slide digitisation order from start to finish. As soon as your Memory Box is securely collected by our courier partner, you will automatically receive a unique order tracking link directly via email. This dedicated tracking link enables you to monitor your slides' journey and progress every step of the way – from initial arrival at our specialist lab, through each stage of the digitisation process, right through to final dispatch and secure delivery back to your address. You can conveniently check the real-time status of your order at any time online, 24/7, or alternatively, you can contact our friendly customer support team for any assistance or updates you may require.
Kako jamčite stalnu sigurnost mojih foto slajdova i privatnost mojih digitalnih slika?
A: We employ multiple robust layers of security and stringent protocols to comprehensively protect your irreplaceable photo slide memories and ensure the complete privacy of your digital images throughout the entire digitisation process:
* Physical Security Measures:
* Utilisation of our proprietary crush-proof Memory Box for the safest possible slide transport.
* Partnering with a highly reputable and secure courier service, also trusted for transporting passports and sensitive examination papers.
* Maintaining restricted physical access and implementing 24/7 comprehensive monitoring at our secure digitisation lab facility.
* Enterprise-Grade Digital Data Security:
* Employing secure, enterprise-grade digital storage infrastructure with multiple redundant data backups to prevent any data loss.
* Utilising industry-leading, military-grade encryption protocols for all Cloud Album storage and digital file transfers, ensuring your data remains completely private and protected.
* Meticulous Chain of Custody Tracking:
* Assigning a unique QR code identifier to each individual photo slide upon arrival at our lab for precise, granular tracking throughout the entire digitisation workflow.
* Implementing continuous, real-time monitoring of each slide's location and processing stage within our secure tracking system.
We have a long-established and proven track record of never losing or damaging a single customer's order and are fully committed to ensuring your cherished memories are always handled with the utmost care and kept completely safe and secure with EachMoment.
Koja je vaša politika i proces ako se utvrdi da su neki od mojih foto slajdova prazni ili nečitljivi?
A: Our policy regarding blank or unreadable photo slides is designed to be entirely customer-friendly and transparent:
* Full Refunds for Blank Photo Slides: If, upon thorough assessment at our digitisation lab, a photo slide is definitively found to be completely blank and containing no image, you will automatically receive a full refund for the digitisation cost of that specific slide. This refund is processed automatically and without any need for you to request it.
* Refunds for Unreadable Photo Slides (Rare Cases): In the extremely rare instance (less than 1% of all cases) that a photo slide is found to be severely damaged and unfortunately unreadable despite our best professional restoration efforts, we will also issue a full refund for the digitisation cost associated with that particular unreadable slide. In such rare cases, we will always proactively contact you to fully discuss the situation and explain the circumstances before processing any refunds for unreadable slides, ensuring complete transparency and open communication.
We are committed to maintaining complete transparency and fairness in our pricing, ensuring you only ever pay for successfully digitised and valuable content.
Nudite li trenutno usluge pretvaranja foto slajdova u digitalni oblik kupcima izvan Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva?
A: Currently, our standard photo slide to digital conversion service, which includes the complimentary Memory Box and the 3-way secure courier service, is primarily offered to customers residing within the United Kingdom. For international customers located outside of the UK who are interested in utilising our professional slide digitisation services, we kindly request that you contact our dedicated customer support team directly. You can reach us via email at or by phone on 01603 361 584. Our team will be happy to discuss potential service options that may be available for international orders and provide you with detailed information regarding any associated international shipping costs or logistical considerations for preserving your photo slide memories with EachMoment.
Mogu li naručiti dodatne kopije svojih digitaliziranih slajdova fotografija na USB pogonima ili DVD setovima?
A: Yes, absolutely, it is very easy to order additional copies of your newly digitised photo slide images on either USB drives or DVD sets. Ordering extra copies is a popular option for many of our customers for various reasons, including: conveniently sharing your precious memories with multiple family members and friends, creating readily accessible backup copies of your digital image files for added security, or for gifting purposes, allowing you to thoughtfully share your family history with loved ones. You can easily specify the number of extra copies you require during the initial online ordering process, directly within our quote tool. Alternatively, if you decide you would like additional copies after your initial order is already complete, you can simply contact our customer support team, and we will be happy to assist you in adding more copies to your order. We offer both our Premium Crystal USB drive and Classic Steel USB drive options for extra USB copies, as well as additional DVD sets, providing you with flexible choices to suit your specific needs and preferences.
Koje metode plaćanja prihvaćate za usluge pretvaranja foto slajdova u digitalni format?
A: We accept a wide and comprehensive range of payment methods to ensure maximum convenience and flexibility for our valued customers:
* All Major Credit and Debit Cards: We securely accept payments from all major credit and debit card providers, including Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.
* Secure Online Payments via Website Checkout: All online payments are processed securely via our website's encrypted and protected checkout system, ensuring your financial information is always kept safe and confidential.
* Bank Transfers: We can also accommodate direct bank transfers for larger orders or customer preference. Please contact our customer support team to arrange a bank transfer payment.
To initiate your photo slide to digital conversion order and receive your complimentary Memory Box, you only need to pay a small £10 deposit upfront. The remaining balance for your order is invoiced conveniently online after we have securely received and professionally assessed your photo slides at our digitisation lab. We are committed to providing a secure, straightforward, and user-friendly payment process for every customer.
Je li EachMoment opremljen za učinkovito rukovanje velikim ili masovnim narudžbama za digitalizaciju foto slajdova?
A: Yes, EachMoment is exceptionally well-equipped and fully prepared to efficiently handle photo slide digitisation orders of all sizes, including large and bulk orders containing hundreds or even thousands of slides. We routinely work with families who have extensive photographic archives, as well as organisations, businesses, and archives with substantial collections of slides requiring professional digitisation. Our entire infrastructure, including our proprietary Memory Box system, our robust secure courier network, and our dedicated, high-capacity digitisation lab facilities, is specifically designed to efficiently process high volumes of media while maintaining the highest standards of quality and security. For photo slide digitisation orders exceeding 500 slides, we also provide dedicated project managers to ensure seamless handling, streamlined communication, and consistently smooth processing throughout the entire project. Furthermore, we offer attractive and scalable bulk discounts for larger orders, making it even more cost-effective and efficient to digitise your entire photo slide collection with EachMoment.
Koja je vaša politika povrata novca za kupce ako nisam potpuno zadovoljan kvalitetom digitalizacije foto slajdova?
A: We are wholeheartedly committed to ensuring your complete satisfaction with our photo slide digitisation service. To demonstrate this commitment, we offer a comprehensive 100% satisfaction guarantee on all slide to digital conversion orders. If, for any reason whatsoever, you are not fully delighted and satisfied with the quality of your professionally restored and digitised photo slides, we sincerely encourage you to contact our dedicated customer support team as soon as possible. We will take every step within our power to thoroughly understand and address your specific concerns and diligently resolve any issues you may have encountered. This may include options such as re-digitising your photo slides using alternative equipment or settings, providing your digital images in alternative output formats, or applying further post-processing enhancements to your digital files. If, after working closely with you to address your concerns, we are ultimately unable to resolve the matter to your complete satisfaction, we will, without hesitation, offer a full refund for your entire photo slide digitisation order. Your happiness as a customer and the successful preservation of your precious memories are always our absolute top priorities at EachMoment.
Kako mogu jednostavno kontaktirati korisničku podršku EachMoment ako imam dodatna pitanja o konverziji slajdova?
A: Our friendly, knowledgeable, and highly responsive customer support team is readily available and eager to assist you with any questions, queries, or concerns you may have regarding slide to digital conversion services. You can easily reach us through any of the following convenient channels:
* Direct Phone Line: Call us directly at [01603 361 584](tel:01603 361 584) to speak directly with a helpful customer service representative during our business hours.
* Email Support: Send us an email outlining your questions or concerns to, and our team will ensure you receive a prompt and detailed response, typically within 24 hours.
* Website Contact Form: Visit our website's dedicated 'Contact Us' page at any time and simply fill out the online contact form with your inquiry. We are committed to responding to all contact form submissions within one business day.
* Live Chat: Connect instantly with our support team via Live Chat directly on our website for immediate assistance during business hours.
We are here to provide you with comprehensive support, clear guidance, and expert assistance throughout your entire slide digitisation journey with EachMoment, from your initial inquiry through to the successful preservation of your cherished memories.
Koju profesionalnu opremu koristite za pretvorbu slajdova u digitalni format i zašto su ti odabiri važni za kvalitetu?
A: At EachMoment, we are dedicated to utilising only industry-leading, professional-grade equipment for all slide to digital conversion processes. This commitment to superior technology is crucial for ensuring the absolute highest possible fidelity, accuracy, and long-term preservation of your treasured photo slide memories. Our key equipment components include:
* High-Resolution Professional Slide Scanners: We employ top-of-the-line, professional-grade slide scanners renowned for their exceptional image quality and precision. These scanners are specifically designed for critical archival applications and offer demonstrably superior resolution, colour accuracy, and dynamic range compared to consumer-grade flatbed scanners or all-in-one devices. We utilise scanners from leading manufacturers such as Nikon (e.g., Nikon Super Coolscan series) and Plustek (e.g., Plustek OpticFilm series), known for their ability to capture fine details and subtle tonal variations from photographic film and slides.
* Dedicated 35mm and Medium Format Slide Carriers: To ensure optimal handling and image quality for different slide formats, we utilise dedicated slide carriers specifically designed for 35mm slides and medium format slides (such as 120, 127, and 127 'Super Slides'). These specialised carriers ensure precise slide positioning, consistent focus, and prevent any damage or scratching to your delicate slides during the scanning process.
* Advanced Digital ICE (Image Correction & Enhancement) Technology: Many of our professional slide scanners incorporate Digital ICE technology, which is a highly effective hardware-based dust and scratch removal system. Digital ICE uses infrared scanning to detect surface defects like dust and scratches on the slide emulsion and then automatically and intelligently removes them from the final digital image, significantly reducing the need for manual retouching and preserving image sharpness and detail.
* 14-bit or 16-bit Colour Depth Scanning: Our professional scanners capture images at a high bit depth of 14-bit or 16-bit per colour channel (Red, Green, Blue). This significantly greater colour depth compared to standard 8-bit scanning allows for a vastly expanded colour palette and tonal range to be captured from your slides. This results in digital images with smoother gradations, richer colours, and the ability to preserve subtle shadow and highlight details that would be lost with lower bit-depth scanning.
* Industry-Standard Adobe Photoshop & Lightroom Software: For post-scanning image processing and enhancement, we utilise industry-standard software such as Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. These powerful software suites provide our expert technicians with a comprehensive range of tools for fine-tuning colour balance, contrast, sharpness, and for making any necessary minor corrections or enhancements to your digitised slide images to achieve the best possible final results and ensure your memories are presented in their optimal visual quality.