Pretvorite Super 8 Cine film u digitalni format: Sačuvajte naslijeđe obiteljskih filmova

Don't let your cherished Super 8 film memories degrade and fade away! EachMoment provides a professional Super 8 to digital conversion service, breathing new life into your vintage cine reels. Begin your journey to preservation with just a £10 deposit to secure your free, protective Memory Box. We utilize advanced film scanning technology, offer complimentary cloud access, and guarantee the utmost care for your irreplaceable film reels. Enjoy your digitized home movies on USB, DVD, or your secure Cloud Album.

Započni digitalizaciju
  • Complimentary Super 8 film cleaning & basic restoration included as standard
  • Advanced Super 8 digitisation using high-resolution frame-by-frame film scanners
  • Free cloud album included for convenient sharing and lifetime access
  • Trusted across the UK for secure and high-quality cine film conversions
  • Over 600+ 5-star customer testimonials

Order before midday for Memory Box next-day delivery. Free secure 3-way courier & Memory Box for orders over £50.00

Vodeća digitalizacija, kojoj se vjeruje...

Memories we've restored & preserved

3 jednostavna koraka za očuvanje vaših dragocjenih uspomena


1. Naručite svoju besplatnu kutiju za uspomene – Počnite s pologom od £10

Take the first step in safeguarding your Super 8 memories by ordering your free, robust Memory Box today. A small £10 deposit is all it takes to get started. Place your order before 12 pm, and we'll dispatch your Memory Box for next-day delivery, ready for you to carefully pack your Super 8 reels. No need to worry about minor dust or age-related wear; our expert technicians will handle the professional cleaning. Once your Memory Box is filled with your cine films, simply arrange a free, secure courier collection through our user-friendly online system.


2. Stručni proces digitalizacije i poboljšanja Super 8 filma

Upon arrival at our specialist UK lab, your Super 8 films are treated with the utmost care and precision. Each reel undergoes a detailed process of professional cleaning, restoration, and high-resolution digitisation using state-of-the-art frame-by-frame film scanners. Our skilled technicians meticulously convert your Super 8 film to digital formats, optimising picture quality for modern viewing. From initial film cleaning to essential repairs, these services are included at no extra cost, ensuring the highest quality digital transfer of your treasured home movies.


3. Ponovno proživite, podijelite i sačuvajte svoje digitalizirane Super 8 filmove

Rediscover the magic of your Super 8 memories, now in a vibrant digital format. We return your original film reels alongside your newly digitised movies in your chosen format – convenient USB drive, classic DVD, or easily accessible cloud storage. Effortlessly share your precious moments with family and friends, near and far, across generations, knowing your memories are securely preserved for the future. Enjoy simple playback on modern devices including Smart TVs, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.


1. Naručite svoju besplatnu kutiju za uspomene – Počnite s pologom od £10

Take the first step in safeguarding your Super 8 memories by ordering your free, robust Memory Box today. A small £10 deposit is all it takes to get started. Place your order before 12 pm, and we'll dispatch your Memory Box for next-day delivery, ready for you to carefully pack your Super 8 reels. No need to worry about minor dust or age-related wear; our expert technicians will handle the professional cleaning. Once your Memory Box is filled with your cine films, simply arrange a free, secure courier collection through our user-friendly online system.


2. Stručni proces digitalizacije i poboljšanja Super 8 filma

Upon arrival at our specialist UK lab, your Super 8 films are treated with the utmost care and precision. Each reel undergoes a detailed process of professional cleaning, restoration, and high-resolution digitisation using state-of-the-art frame-by-frame film scanners. Our skilled technicians meticulously convert your Super 8 film to digital formats, optimising picture quality for modern viewing. From initial film cleaning to essential repairs, these services are included at no extra cost, ensuring the highest quality digital transfer of your treasured home movies.


3. Ponovno proživite, podijelite i sačuvajte svoje digitalizirane Super 8 filmove

Rediscover the magic of your Super 8 memories, now in a vibrant digital format. We return your original film reels alongside your newly digitised movies in your chosen format – convenient USB drive, classic DVD, or easily accessible cloud storage. Effortlessly share your precious moments with family and friends, near and far, across generations, knowing your memories are securely preserved for the future. Enjoy simple playback on modern devices including Smart TVs, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

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Davno izgubljena blaga

EachMoment nije samo 'otključao' uspomene s trake, već je također očistio zvuk i sliku, pojačao glasnoću i sada je brzina reprodukcije ispravna. Kao da se vraćate u prošlost, naši dragi preminuli roditelji i ostali rođaci – tada tako mladi – svaki je imao priliku govoriti i pjevati pred kamerom. To šalje tople trnce niz leđa! Ne mogu to dovoljno preporučiti. EachMoment nije samo 'otključao' uspomene s trake, već je također očistio zvuk i sliku, pojačao glasnoću i sada je brzina reprodukcije ispravna. Kao da se vraćate u prošlost, naši dragi... EachMoment nije samo 'otključao' uspomene s trake, već je također očistio zvuk i sliku, pojačao glasnoću i sada je brzina reprodukcije ispravna. Kao da se vraćate u prošlost, naši dragi preminuli roditelji i ostali rođaci – tada tako mladi – svaki je imao priliku govoriti i pjevati pred kamerom. To šalje tople trnce niz leđa! Ne mogu to dovoljno preporučiti.

Nakon pokušaja prisjećanja izgubljenih voljenih

Nakon pokušaja da se prisjetimo izgubljenih glasova dragih nam osoba, pronašli smo stare video trake i nakon pretraživanja interneta za tvrtkom koja bi ih digitalizirala, naišli smo na each moment. Uspjeli su ih očistiti, obnoviti i staviti sve na USB stick, pa ih sada možemo zauvijek gledati! Uživao sam gledajući ih, apsolutno fantastično, pa bih ovu tvrtku toplo preporučio. Nakon pokušaja da se prisjetimo izgubljenih glasova dragih nam osoba, pronašli smo stare video trake i nakon pretraživanja interneta za tvrtkom koja bi ih digitalizirala, naišli smo na each moment.... Nakon pokušaja da se prisjetimo izgubljenih glasova dragih nam osoba, pronašli smo stare video trake i nakon pretraživanja interneta za tvrtkom koja bi ih digitalizirala, naišli smo na each moment. Uspjeli su ih očistiti, obnoviti i staviti sve na USB stick, pa ih sada možemo zauvijek gledati! Uživao sam gledajući ih, apsolutno fantastično, pa bih ovu tvrtku toplo preporučio.

Sinoć sam čuo bakinu…

Prošle noći čuo sam glas svoje bake kako po prvi put u više od 30 godina čita božićnu pjesmu. Preminula je 1990. godine, a nakon njezine smrti pronašao sam kasetu, izobličenu u magnetofonskom uređaju. Zadržao sam je, nadajući se da ću jednog dana pronaći način da je restauriram. EachMoment je restaurirao tu kasetu, a ove godine, na dan njezinog rođendana, njeni praunuci će po prvi put čuti njezin glas, a njezina djeca, sada i sama djedovi i bake, ponovno će čuti glas njihove majke. Ne postoji riječ koja može dovoljno izraziti moju zahvalnost. Prošle noći čuo sam glas svoje bake kako po prvi put u više od 30 godina čita božićnu pjesmu. Preminula je 1990. godine, a nakon njezine smrti pronašao sam kasetu,... Prošle noći čuo sam glas svoje bake kako po prvi put u više od 30 godina čita božićnu pjesmu. Preminula je 1990. godine, a nakon njezine smrti pronašao sam kasetu, izobličenu u magnetofonskom uređaju. Zadržao sam je, nadajući se da ću jednog dana pronaći način da je restauriram. EachMoment je restaurirao tu kasetu, a ove godine, na dan njezinog rođendana, njeni praunuci će po prvi put čuti njezin glas, a njezina djeca, sada i sama djedovi i bake, ponovno će čuti glas njihove majke. Ne postoji riječ koja može dovoljno izraziti moju zahvalnost.

EachMoment je spasio 30 analognih Hi8…

EachMoment je spasio 30 Hi8 analognih kaseta s videokazetama. 45 sati obiteljskih uspomena. Nisam ih mogao reproducirati na svom kamcorderu i mislio sam da sam ih zauvijek izgubio. Neke od tih kazeta su stare preko 30 godina. Tehničko odjeljenje uspjelo je izvaditi, obnoviti i digitalizirati gotovo sve! Sada su sve te uspomene dostupne cijeloj obitelji za dijeljenje na WhatsAppu i strujanje na našem TV-u kad god se skupe! Volim to. EachMoment je spasio 30 Hi8 analognih kaseta s videokazetama. 45 sati obiteljskih uspomena. Nisam ih mogao reproducirati na svom kamcorderu i mislio sam da sam ih zauvijek izgubio. Neke od... EachMoment je spasio 30 Hi8 analognih kaseta s videokazetama. 45 sati obiteljskih uspomena. Nisam ih mogao reproducirati na svom kamcorderu i mislio sam da sam ih zauvijek izgubio. Neke od tih kazeta su stare preko 30 godina. Tehničko odjeljenje uspjelo je izvaditi, obnoviti i digitalizirati gotovo sve! Sada su sve te uspomene dostupne cijeloj obitelji za dijeljenje na WhatsAppu i strujanje na našem TV-u kad god se skupe! Volim to.

Nekada dragocene uspomene

Stvari koje smo poslali da se konvertiraju s VHS kaseta u DVD, s audio kasetnih kaseta u CD te negativi i prozirnici u memory stick, izvršno su obavljene. Svatko tko je vidio i čuo gotove artikle bio je vrlo impresioniran. Izvrsna vrijednost za novac i preporučeno je nekoliko puta. Stvari koje smo poslali da se konvertiraju s VHS kaseta u DVD, s audio kasetnih kaseta u CD te negativi i prozirnici u memory stick, izvršno su obavljene. Svatko tko... Stvari koje smo poslali da se konvertiraju s VHS kaseta u DVD, s audio kasetnih kaseta u CD te negativi i prozirnici u memory stick, izvršno su obavljene. Svatko tko je vidio i čuo gotove artikle bio je vrlo impresioniran. Izvrsna vrijednost za novac i preporučeno je nekoliko puta.

Izvrsna usluga

Vrlo je jednostavno naručiti jer je sve organizirano od strane EachMoment. Naručio sam digitalizaciju velike količine starog Super 8 filmskog materijala, Video 8 traka, VHS traka i fotografskih negativaka. Proces je trajao oko 3 tjedna zbog količine, ali čekanje je definitivno bilo vrijedno. Bio sam apsolutno oduševljen rezultatima i osjećam se ponovno povezan s mojom prošlošću i ljudima koji su bili dio mog života još od ranih 1950-ih. Nevjerojatno! Vrlo je jednostavno naručiti jer je sve organizirano od strane EachMoment. Naručio sam digitalizaciju velike količine starog Super 8 filmskog materijala, Video 8 traka, VHS traka i fotografskih negativaka. Proces... Vrlo je jednostavno naručiti jer je sve organizirano od strane EachMoment. Naručio sam digitalizaciju velike količine starog Super 8 filmskog materijala, Video 8 traka, VHS traka i fotografskih negativaka. Proces je trajao oko 3 tjedna zbog količine, ali čekanje je definitivno bilo vrijedno. Bio sam apsolutno oduševljen rezultatima i osjećam se ponovno povezan s mojom prošlošću i ljudima koji su bili dio mog života još od ranih 1950-ih. Nevjerojatno!


Poslao sam veliki broj starih diapozitiva i video kaseta na digitalizaciju, od kojih su neki bili u vrlo lošem stanju. Each Moment je obavio fantastičan posao pretvaranja slika u digitalni format za mene. Profesionalna usluga, ljubazno i susretljivo osoblje. Koristit ću ih ponovno i preporučio bih. Poslao sam veliki broj starih diapozitiva i video kaseta na digitalizaciju, od kojih su neki bili u vrlo lošem stanju. Each Moment je obavio fantastičan posao pretvaranja slika u digitalni... Poslao sam veliki broj starih diapozitiva i video kaseta na digitalizaciju, od kojih su neki bili u vrlo lošem stanju. Each Moment je obavio fantastičan posao pretvaranja slika u digitalni format za mene. Profesionalna usluga, ljubazno i susretljivo osoblje. Koristit ću ih ponovno i preporučio bih.

Predivna usluga i prekrasni rezultati

Kupio sam mješovitu kutiju starih traka i kaseta, neke u lošem stanju, a tim u Each Moment je pokazao svoju čaroliju. Sada imam mnogo lijepih uspomena koje bi inače bile izgubljene. Oni su sjajna tvrtka, profesionalni i učinkoviti i ne bih oklijevao preporučiti ih niti potaknuti druge da spase uspomene prije nego što se izgube! Kupio sam mješovitu kutiju starih traka i kaseta, neke u lošem stanju, a tim u Each Moment je pokazao svoju čaroliju. Sada imam mnogo lijepih uspomena koje bi inače bile... Kupio sam mješovitu kutiju starih traka i kaseta, neke u lošem stanju, a tim u Each Moment je pokazao svoju čaroliju. Sada imam mnogo lijepih uspomena koje bi inače bile izgubljene. Oni su sjajna tvrtka, profesionalni i učinkoviti i ne bih oklijevao preporučiti ih niti potaknuti druge da spase uspomene prije nego što se izgube!

Mnogo snimaka s videokamere prenijelo se brzo.

Trebalo je prenijeti mnogo snimljenog materijala s videocam kaseta kao iznenađenje za 70. rođendan s relativno kratkim rokom. Tim je bio vrlo od pomoći kad im se obratilo i uspio mi je omogućiti online pristup 39 kaseta prije nego što sam dobio USB-ove, tako da sam mogao odabrati specifične videozapise za zabavu. Jedna kaseta je također vraćena i vrlo brzo očišćena kad se utvrdilo da ima smetnje u praćenju. Sada imamo neke sjajne uspomene koje možemo podijeliti s obitelji i našim unucima. Trebalo je prenijeti mnogo snimljenog materijala s videocam kaseta kao iznenađenje za 70. rođendan s relativno kratkim rokom. Tim je bio vrlo od pomoći kad im se obratilo i uspio... Trebalo je prenijeti mnogo snimljenog materijala s videocam kaseta kao iznenađenje za 70. rođendan s relativno kratkim rokom. Tim je bio vrlo od pomoći kad im se obratilo i uspio mi je omogućiti online pristup 39 kaseta prije nego što sam dobio USB-ove, tako da sam mogao odabrati specifične videozapise za zabavu. Jedna kaseta je također vraćena i vrlo brzo očišćena kad se utvrdilo da ima smetnje u praćenju. Sada imamo neke sjajne uspomene koje možemo podijeliti s obitelji i našim unucima.

Spremni za pretvaranje vašeg Super 8 filmskog filma u digitalni format?

Don't risk losing your irreplaceable Super 8 memories to film degradation and projector obsolescence. Our professional Super 8 to digital conversion service provides a simple, secure, and premium solution to safeguard your precious moments. Order your free Memory Box today for just a £10 deposit and take the first step towards preserving your family history for generations to come.

Brza Dostava Memorijskog Okvira

Order your protective Memory Box before midday, and we guarantee same-day dispatch for next working day delivery, enabling you to promptly and securely send us your Super 8 cine film reels.

Prilagođeni naslovi digitalnih datoteka

Help us to help you keep your digital memories organised! Provide us with reel details and we will create custom titles for your digital movie files, making it simple to locate and share specific events with family and friends.

Besplatan i praćen povrat putem kurirske službe

Your Memory Box includes a pre-paid return shipping label and protective packaging, ensuring the safe and fully tracked transit of your original Super 8 films and your new digital media back to your doorstep via our reliable courier partner.

Ažuriranja napretka narudžbe u stvarnom vremenu

Stay informed at every stage with our real-time online order tracking system. Monitor your Memory Box's journey from collection, throughout the digitisation process in our lab, to its secure return delivery to you.

Profesionalna obnova filma uključena

We go beyond simple transfer. Our service includes professional cleaning and essential restoration of your Super 8 films, enhancing picture quality using advanced equipment for optimal digital results, all at no additional cost to you.

Jamstvo Potpunog Mira

We are confident you will be delighted with your newly digitised Super 8 films. We guarantee the quality of our service and offer a full refund if you are not completely satisfied. Your peace of mind and treasured memories are our highest priority.

Free Secure Collection & Return | Professional Super 8 Restoration | Free Personalised File Titles | Free Cloud Storage

“Kvaliteta videozapisa i zvuka bila je nevjerojatna. Preporučila bih EachMoment svima 100%!” — Abby

Zašto je zaštitna kutija za memoriju ključna za vaše Super 8 filmove

Our Memory Box is more than just packaging; it's the safest passage for your Super 8 films to digital preservation. Specifically designed to protect delicate media, this robust, crush-resistant box ensures your reels arrive at our lab in optimal condition. Order before midday, and your Memory Box, complete with an easy-to-follow Welcome Guide, will be delivered the next working day. Simply pack your Super 8 films – regardless of their current condition – and entrust our specialists to revitalise them. We have invested significantly in perfecting the secure handling of fragile media, partnering with the same trusted couriers used for transporting sensitive official documents. Our proven track record speaks for itself: zero film reels lost or damaged in transit, ever. Your family's irreplaceable memories deserve nothing less than this dedicated level of protection, from initial collection to expert digitisation and safe return.

Vaše dragocjene filmske uspomene, sigurno sačuvane za generacije

    • Professional digitisation halts the natural deterioration of Super 8 film, preventing further loss of picture quality and colour vibrancy.
    • Digital conversion future-proofs your memories, ensuring ongoing compatibility with modern technology for generations to come.
    • We utilise a high-security courier service, the same service trusted for transporting university examination papers and passports, providing ultimate peace of mind.
    • Our experienced in-house team employs a meticulous tracking system, carefully monitoring each individual film reel throughout the entire digitisation process.
    • Easily track your Super 8 films' journey from your doorstep to our specialist lab via your smartphone, computer, or by contacting our dedicated phone support.
    • Your valuable Super 8 reels are transported in our robust, crush-resistant Memory Box, custom-engineered for maximum protection against physical damage.

Broadcast kvaliteta digitalizacije Super 8 i profesionalna restauracija filma

With extensive experience in professional media conversion, EachMoment delivers industry-leading Super 8 digitisation services. Our dedicated, UK-based lab is equipped with regularly serviced, professional-grade film scanners and commercial recording equipment, ensuring the highest standard of digital transfer for your home movies and precious recordings.

Each Super 8 film reel undergoes a comprehensive physical cleaning and restoration process before digitisation commences. By meticulously removing dust, debris, and surface contaminants, we enhance the integrity of the film and its image quality, a vital step often overlooked, which can compromise the final digital output. We invest the extra time and meticulous care to ensure your memories are preserved at their absolute best possible quality.

Professional cleaning and essential restoration are included as standard with every Super 8 to digital conversion order.

Često postavljana pitanja o uslugama pretvorbe Super 8 u digitalni format

Možete li opisati proces pretvorbe Super 8 u digitalni format na EachMoment?

A: Preserving your Super 8 films with EachMoment is a simple, secure, and efficient process:

1. Order & Receive Your Memory Box: Use our easy online quote tool, select 'Super 8 film', and pay just a £10 deposit to get started. Your free, reinforced Memory Box is promptly dispatched for next-day delivery.

2. Pack Your Super 8 Reels Securely: Carefully pack your film reels into the Memory Box, utilising the protective materials provided. No need to pre-clean your films; our experts will handle that!

3. Arrange Secure Courier Collection: Schedule a free, secure courier collection easily via our online portal. Your Memory Box is then safely transported to our specialist UK lab.

4. Film Assessment & Invoice (or Refund): Upon arrival at our lab, our expert technicians carefully assess your films and issue a clear online invoice for any adjustments or a refund if applicable.

5. Professional Restoration & Digitisation: Following secure payment, your Super 8 films undergo professional cleaning, restoration, and high-resolution digitisation using advanced frame-by-frame film scanners and techniques.

6. Rigorous Quality Control & Digital Preparation: Your newly digitised movies undergo stringent quality checks and are meticulously prepared for your chosen output format (Cloud Album, USB drive, or DVD).

7. Secure Return of Originals & Digital Copies: Your original Super 8 films and your digital copies are securely returned to you via our trusted courier service.

8. Relive & Share Your Treasured Memories: Enjoy and easily share your revitalised memories on any digital device!
Order before 12 pm for next-day Memory Box delivery. Free Memory Box + free 3-way secure courier for orders over £50.00.

Koje veličine Super 8 filmskih koluta možete pretvoriti u digitalni format?

A: We can expertly convert all common Super 8 film reel sizes to digital formats. This includes 3-inch, 5-inch, and 7-inch diameter reels, which typically hold approximately 50ft, 200ft, and 400ft of Super 8 film respectively. If you are unsure about your reel sizes, don't worry! Simply send us your reels securely packaged in our Memory Box, and our experienced specialists will accurately identify each reel size upon arrival at our lab. We are equipped to handle Super 8 film reels in virtually any condition, including aged or slightly damaged films.

Što ako imam više Super 8 kolutova nego što je procijenjeno u mojoj početnoj online ponudi?

A: Finding more reels than initially expected is quite common! Our process is designed for flexibility:

1. Provide an Initial Estimate & Start: Use our online quote tool to provide your best estimate of the number of Super 8 reels and pay the £10 deposit to receive your free Memory Box.

2. Pack All Your Super 8 Reels: When your Memory Box arrives, simply pack all of your reels, even if the quantity exceeds your initial estimate.

3. Precise Assessment at Our Lab: Our expert technicians will accurately count and thoroughly assess all reels upon secure arrival at our dedicated lab.

4. Transparent Invoice or Refund Process: We will then send you a clear online invoice for any additional reels converted or issue a refund if applicable. You only pay for the final, accurately counted number of reels after we have safely received and professionally assessed them. This ensures you can send all your films without needing to overestimate upfront and only pay for the precise number of reels we successfully convert for you.

Kako ću primiti svoje digitalizirane Super 8 filmove nakon konverzije?

A: We provide multiple convenient and versatile options for you to receive your newly digitised Super 8 movies, ensuring they are accessible in your preferred format:

1. Complimentary Cloud Album (Included with Every Order):

* Enjoy instant online access to your digitised movies via a secure Cloud Album.

* Effortlessly share your memories with family and friends across the globe.

* Stream your videos on any device – including smartphones, tablets, computers, and Smart TVs.

* Benefit from secure cloud backup of your precious memories, protecting them against data loss.

2. Premium Crystal USB Drive (Popular Choice):

* Receive your digitised movies on an elegant crystal USB drive, presented in a beautiful gift box.

* This option is ideal for gifting your memories to loved ones or for special occasions.

* Provides high-quality digital files compatible with all modern playback devices.

3. Robust Classic USB Drive (Durable Backup Option):

* Choose a durable steel USB drive for a robust and long-lasting physical backup of your memories.

* Offers reliable long-term storage for your valuable digital movie files.

4. Traditional DVD Set (Classic Playback Format):

* Opt for a DVD set for playback on any standard DVD player, offering compatibility with older TVs and systems.

* A familiar and user-friendly format, especially for those less comfortable with newer technology.

* Includes custom DVD menus and chapter markers for easy navigation of your videos.

Many customers choose a combination of these options, such as using the Cloud Album for immediate sharing and selecting a Premium USB drive for secure safekeeping and thoughtful gifting.

Koje sigurnosne mjere su poduzete kako bi se zaštitili moji Super 8 filmovi tijekom konverzije?

A: The safety and security of your Super 8 films are our absolute top priority. We have implemented a robust, multi-layered security system to ensure their complete protection:

1. Secure Memory Box Transport System:

* Our proprietary Memory Box is engineered to be crush-proof, providing maximum protection for your films against physical damage during transit.

* We are proud to maintain a perfect track record of zero films damaged in transit since implementing our Memory Box system.

2. Premium, Tracked Courier Service:

* We partner with a premium division of a national courier service, renowned for handling highly sensitive materials, including examination papers and passports.

* Benefit from real-time tracking of your Memory Box from collection at your doorstep to secure return delivery.

* We have an impeccable history of zero lost items since the inception of our secure courier service.

3. State-of-the-Art Lab Security & Handling Protocols:

* Upon arrival at our specialist lab, each Super 8 film reel is assigned a unique QR code for meticulous tracking throughout the digitisation process.

* Our lab facility is under 24/7 monitoring and is climate-controlled to ensure optimal storage conditions for your films.

* All films are handled exclusively by our professionally trained technicians, adhering to strict security protocols.

* We conduct regular maintenance and calibration of our digitisation equipment to guarantee the safe handling of your delicate media.

We are proud to state that we have never lost or damaged a single customer's Super 8 film reel. Your cherished memories are in the safest possible hands with EachMoment.

Što ako nisam siguran u sadržaj na nekim od mojih starijih Super 8 filmskih kolutova?

A: It's understandable if you are unsure about the exact content on all your older Super 8 film reels! Here's our customer-friendly approach:

1. Full Refund for Blank Reels: If, upon assessment at our lab, a Super 8 reel is found to be completely blank, you will automatically receive a full refund for the digitisation cost of that reel.

2. We Digitise All Recoverable Footage: If there is any recoverable footage present on a reel, we will professionally digitise it, regardless of:

* The length of the recorded footage (even short clips or segments).

* Whether the content is unlabeled or of unknown origin.

* If there are mixed recordings or multiple events captured on a single reel.

Many customers have been delighted to rediscover forgotten family moments and precious memories they didn't know were still preserved on their old cine film. Our restoration process can even reveal details and improve clarity not easily visible when originally viewing the films with a projector!

Možete li obnoviti oštećene ili pljesnive Super 8 filmove?

A: Yes, we specialise in restoring aged and damaged Super 8 films, including those with mould. Here's damage we can typically address:

Super 8 films exhibiting fading or colour shift.

* Films that are scratched or physically marked.

* Super 8 films that have become brittle or stiff.

* Films contaminated with surface dirt or dust.

* Super 8 films that have been spliced or repaired previously.

* Films that have sustained water damage.

* Super 8 films showing signs of mould contamination (in most cases).

Our Restoration Process:

1. Expert Assessment: Each Super 8 film is meticulously evaluated by our specialists to determine the extent of damage.

2. Professional Cleaning & Restoration: We use professional film cleaning equipment and solutions. Films undergo physical cleaning to carefully remove dust, surface mould, and contaminants, enhancing film integrity and image quality. We also address issues like brittle film if present.

3. Archive-Grade Restoration Technology: We employ specialised cleaning and restoration technologies to maximise video recovery.

4. Physical Repairs: Our technicians perform necessary physical repairs, such as re-splicing broken films or addressing film stiffness to ensure smooth scanning.

5. High-Quality Digitisation & Quality Checks: Following restoration, films are digitised meticulously, and digital files undergo quality control checks for optimal results.

No Extra Restoration Charges: Basic restoration is included in our standard pricing. In the rare event a Super 8 film is beyond recovery (less than 1% of cases), you'll receive a full refund. Digitising your Super 8 films sooner increases the likelihood of successful preservation and restoration!

Koje je uobičajeno vrijeme obrade za pretvorbu Super 8 u digitalni format?

A: We offer two processing options for Super 8 digitisation:

1. Standard Processing Service:

* Turnaround is typically 3-4 weeks from when your Memory Box arrives at our lab.

* This includes film inspection, professional cleaning and restoration, high-quality frame-by-frame digitisation, and quality control.

* Each Super 8 film reel receives dedicated attention for the highest quality.

2. Expedited Rush Processing Service (Optional):

* For faster turnaround, we offer Rush Processing, completing your order within 1-2 weeks.

* Rush Processing maintains the same high standards of restoration and digitisation as our standard service.

* Rush Processing is ideal for urgent needs.

Processing time can vary based on:

* The number of Super 8 reels in your order.

* Film condition (more restoration may take longer).

* Current lab workload.

We provide order tracking updates, and you can monitor progress via our online Status Tracking system. We prioritise high quality and careful handling, regardless of processing speed.

Hoću li moći lako gledati svoje digitalizirane Super 8 filmove na svom TV-u?

A: Yes! We make it very easy to watch your newly digitised Super 8 movies on almost any television:

Smart TV Playback Options:

* Direct Cloud Album Streaming: Stream from your complimentary Cloud Album app on compatible Smart TVs.

* Simple USB Drive Playback: Plug your USB drive (Premium Crystal or Classic Steel) into your Smart TV's USB port and use the TV's media player to watch your movies.

Options for Standard (Non-Smart) TVs:

* HDMI Connection via External Device: Connect any HDMI device, such as a laptop, computer, or media player, to your standard TV with an HDMI cable to play your digital video files.

* DVD Playback using DVD Player: If you choose DVD output, use your DVD set in any standard DVD player connected to your TV.

Families enjoy watching their digitised memories together on TVs, reliving special moments in a shared environment. Modern TVs will display your digitised Super 8 movies with enhanced clarity compared to projector playback!

Objasnite svoju uslugu '3-smjernog sigurnog kurira' za konverziju Super 8.

A: Our '3-way secure courier' service offers complete peace of mind for your Super 8 digitisation order, covering three stages:

1. Secure Memory Box Delivery: We deliver your free, engineered Memory Box to your address, for you to safely pack your Super 8 reels.

2. Reliable Memory Box Collection: Our secure courier collects your filled Memory Box from your doorstep at a scheduled time, for tracked transport to our lab.

3. Guaranteed Return Delivery: After digitisation, we return your original Super 8 films and digital copies (USB, DVD, or Cloud Album access) to your address via the same trusted courier.

This 3-way service ensures secure, tracked transport of your precious memories throughout the entire Super 8 to digital conversion process, from your home and back.

Je li vaša oglašena kurirska usluga doista besplatna za konverziju Super 8 filma?

A: Yes, absolutely! Our premium 3-way secure courier service is indeed completely free for all Super 8 digitisation orders where the total service spend is £50.00 or more. For smaller orders below £50.00, a nominal £25 charge applies to cover the 3-way secure courier service. The majority of our customers benefit from completely free, secure, and convenient collection and return delivery of their valuable Super 8 films, making the process seamless and cost-effective.

Koji su troškovi za vašu opcionalnu uslugu ubrzane obrade za Super 8 filmove?

A: Our optional Rush Processing service is available for quicker Super 8 film digitisation. Please see our online quote tool for Rush Processing fees, which are tiered based on your total order spend. You can view Rush Processing options and fees when ordering via our website's quote tool.

Nudite li popuste na količinu za veće narudžbe digitalizacije Super 8 filmova?

A: Yes, we offer bulk discounts for larger Super 8 film digitisation orders. We reward customers entrusting us with larger memory collections. The more reels you convert, the more you save. See our online quote tool for discount tiers, automatically applied as you add more Super 8 reels to your order. Discount percentages and total savings are visible within the quote tool as you build your order.

Što je uključeno u besplatnu memorijsku kutiju za konverziju Super 8 filma?

A: Our Free Memory Box is a complete solution for safely sending your Super 8 films for digitisation. It includes:

* Robust Crush-Proof Box: A durable, reinforced box engineered for maximum protection of your delicate Super 8 films during transit, minimising damage risk.

* Welcome Guide: Step-by-step instructions on packing your Super 8 films and arranging free courier collection.

* Pre-Paid Return Shipping Label: A pre-addressed and pre-paid label for hassle-free, cost-free return shipping of your films and digital media.

* Film Identification Stickers & 'Name-It Sheet': Stickers and a 'Name-It Sheet' to help organise and label your Super 8 films. This allows us to create personalised digital file titles for your movies.

The Memory Box is delivered free (with a £10 deposit) and is designed for maximum convenience and superior protection for your precious Super 8 memories during shipping and digitisation.

Koje je standardno vrijeme obrade za narudžbe digitalizacije Super 8?

A: Our standard processing turnaround for Super 8 digitisation is generally 3-4 weeks, from when your Memory Box arrives at our lab. This timeframe allows for comprehensive services to the highest standards: film inspection, professional cleaning and restoration, high-quality digitisation, stringent quality control, and secure, tracked return shipping. We are committed to delivering the highest quality results and take the necessary time to ensure your cherished memories are preserved to the best possible standard.

Mogu li pratiti napredak svoje narudžbe za digitalizaciju Super 8?

A: Yes, absolutely! We provide real-time tracking for your Super 8 digitisation order from start to finish. Once your Memory Box is collected, you'll receive a unique order tracking link via email. This link allows you to monitor your films' journey and progress: from lab arrival, through digitisation, to dispatch and return delivery. Check your order status online 24/7, or contact our customer support team for assistance.

Kako osiguravate sigurnost mojih Super 8 filmova i privatnost mojih digitalnih podataka?

A: We use multiple security layers and protocols to protect your Super 8 memories and digital data:

* Robust Physical Security:

* Crush-proof Memory Box for safe film transport.

* Secure courier service, also used for passports and exams.

* Restricted lab access and 24/7 monitoring.

* Enterprise-Grade Digital Data Security:

* Secure, enterprise-grade digital storage with redundant backups to prevent data loss.

* Military-grade encryption for Cloud Album storage and file transfers, ensuring data privacy.

* Meticulous Chain of Custody Tracking:

* Unique QR code for each Super 8 film reel for precise tracking.

* Real-time monitoring of each reel's location and processing stage in our tracking system.

We have a proven track record of never losing or damaging a customer's order and are committed to handling your cherished memories with utmost care and security.

Koja je vaša politika za prazne ili neupotrebljive Super 8 filmove?

A: Our policy for blank or unplayable Super 8 films is customer-friendly and transparent:

* Full Refunds for Blank Super 8 Films: If a Super 8 reel is found to be completely blank, you will automatically receive a full refund for its digitisation cost.

* Refunds for Unplayable Super 8 Films (Rare): In the rare case (less than 1%) a reel is severely damaged and unplayable despite restoration, we will also issue a full refund for that reel. We will contact you to discuss the situation before processing refunds for unplayable reels, ensuring transparency.

We ensure you only pay for successfully digitised, valuable content.

Nudite li usluge pretvorbe Super 8 u digitalni format izvan Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva?

A: Currently, our standard Super 8 to digital conversion service, including the Memory Box and 3-way courier, is mainly for UK customers. International customers interested in our services should contact our customer support team directly via email at or by phone on 01603 361 584. We can discuss potential service options and international shipping costs for preserving your Super 8 memories with EachMoment.

Mogu li naručiti dodatne kopije svojih digitaliziranih Super 8 filmova na USB-u ili DVD-u?

A: Yes, ordering extra copies of your digitised Super 8 movies on USB drives or DVD sets is easy. Many customers order extra copies to share memories with family and friends, create backups, or for gifting. You can specify extra copies during the initial online order process in our quote tool. If you decide later, contact our customer support team, and we'll assist you in adding more copies to your order. We offer Premium Crystal USB drives, Classic Steel USB drives, and DVD sets for extra copies, providing flexible choices to suit your needs.

Koje metode plaćanja prihvaćate za Super 8 u digitalnu konverziju?

A: We accept a wide range of payment methods for your convenience:

* Major Credit and Debit Cards: Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.

* Secure Online Payments: Payments are processed securely via our website's encrypted checkout system, ensuring your financial information is safe.

* Bank Transfers: Direct bank transfers are also possible for larger orders or by customer request. Contact our customer support team to arrange a bank transfer payment.

To start your Super 8 conversion and receive your Memory Box, a small £10 deposit is required. The remaining balance is invoiced online after we receive and assess your Super 8 films at our lab. We aim to provide a secure, straightforward, and user-friendly payment process.

Može li EachMoment obraditi velike ili masovne narudžbe za digitalizaciju Super 8 filmova?

A: Yes, EachMoment is well-equipped to handle Super 8 digitisation orders of all sizes, including large and bulk orders with hundreds or thousands of reels. We regularly work with families, organisations, businesses, and archives with substantial Super 8 collections. Our infrastructure, including the Memory Box, secure courier network, and high-capacity lab, is designed to efficiently process high volumes while maintaining quality and security. For orders exceeding 50 reels, we provide dedicated project managers for seamless handling, communication, and processing. We also offer attractive bulk discounts for larger orders, making it cost-effective to digitise your entire Super 8 collection with EachMoment.

Koja je vaša politika povrata novca ako nisam zadovoljan kvalitetom digitalizacije Super 8?

A: We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee for all Super 8 to digital conversion orders. If you are not fully satisfied with the quality of your digitised Super 8 films, please contact our customer support team. We will work to understand and address your concerns, which may include re-digitising your films, providing alternative output formats, or applying further post-processing enhancements. If we cannot resolve the matter to your complete satisfaction, we will offer a full refund for your Super 8 digitisation order. Your satisfaction and the preservation of your memories are our top priorities at EachMoment.

Kako mogu kontaktirati korisničku podršku EachMoment za pitanja o konverziji Super 8?

A: Our customer support team is readily available to assist with any Super 8 to digital conversion questions. Contact us via:

* Phone: Call us at [01603 361 584](tel:01603 361 584) during business hours to speak to a representative.

* Email: Email your questions to for a prompt and detailed response, typically within 24 hours.

* Website Contact Form: Fill out the online form on our 'Contact Us' page anytime. We respond to all submissions within one business day.

We provide comprehensive support and expert assistance throughout your Super 8 digitisation journey with EachMoment.

Koju profesionalnu opremu koristite za digitalizaciju Super 8 i zašto je to važno?

A: We use industry-leading, professional-grade equipment for Super 8 to digital conversion to ensure the highest fidelity and preservation of your memories. Key equipment includes:

* High-Resolution Frame-by-Frame Film Scanners: We utilize advanced frame-by-frame film scanners specifically designed for delicate cine film. These scanners capture each frame individually at high resolution, ensuring exceptional detail and sharpness in the digital output. Sprocketless transport mechanisms within these scanners gently handle films, minimizing any risk of damage to aged or fragile Super 8 films during the digitisation process.

* Precision Optics and Lighting Systems: Our scanners are equipped with precision optics and calibrated lighting systems optimized for Super 8 film. This ensures accurate colour reproduction and optimal image clarity during the scanning process, capturing the true colours and detail of your original films.

* Professional Image Processing Software: We employ industry-standard image processing software to enhance the quality of your digitised Super 8 movies. This software allows our technicians to perform colour correction, adjust brightness and contrast, reduce grain, and stabilise images, resulting in a visually superior digital representation of your original films.

* 14-bit Colour Depth Scanning: Our scanners capture images at a high 14-bit colour depth. This significantly greater colour information compared to lower bit-depth scanning allows for smoother colour gradations, finer detail in shadows and highlights, and a more faithful reproduction of the original film's colour palette. This is critical for preserving the richness and vibrancy of your Super 8 home movies, especially films that may have aged or experienced some colour fading over time.

By using this professional-grade equipment, we ensure the highest possible quality for your digitised Super 8 movies, preserving your precious memories with exceptional clarity, detail, and colour accuracy for generations to come.

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